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Welcome to Porthill Class


⭐Mrs Thomas will be teaching in Porthill Class Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and Mrs Smith will be teaching in Porthill Class on a Friday. Mrs Bennett will be our class teaching assistant everyday, along with Mr Northwood and Mrs Michalak. Mrs Kamudu will join our team on a Friday. ⭐


⭐️ Reading books - children will receive a school book, possibly two books to support their phonics. They are able to change these reading books when complete. Please encourage your child to read at least three times per week. They will complete a reading challenge through the year, each Monday we check reading records, if they have completed three reads they move on step along the journey towards a prize. ⭐️

⭐️ Water bottles - please ensure your child has a water bottle in school everyday.
If it is warm please ensure your child has a hat and wears suncream 

⭐️ Please contact Mrs Thomas and Mrs Smith via email on if you have any questions, comments or concerns. Please remember to check your app messages as we regularly send home class messages. ⭐️

We are all really excited about the year ahead and we look forward to sharing lots of activities on here with you.

Kind regards

The Porthill Team

Welcome to the Summer term! We hope you have had a fun Easter break.

Our topic for this term is ‘London’. We will link this with our English, Geography and History.
In Geography we will be learning about the four counties in the UK, different cities, landmarks and studying maps and compass points. We will do some work studying the similarities and differences between Shrewsbury and London. In History we will be learning about the Great Fire of London.
We hope this Summer term will bring more opportunities for learning outdoors as well as a sports day event for children.


In PE this term, the children will be consolidating a number of skills as well as learning new ones. They will focus on athletics, team building and tennis.
PE will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure full PE kit is in school on these days.



Book fest Picture Book Vote

Beaver Day! We had a fantastic day learning all about beavers and going on a visit to see where the beavers will soon be living.

Porthill loved their story telling workshop with Jake the storyteller

Today we had a visit from the Dogs Trust and learned all about how to keep safe around dogs.

Learning experiences with Now Press Play, we have been listening to the experience of Neil Armstrong and adventures in Africa as part of our retrieval lesson

In music we have been learning about different types of musical instruments and what family they belong to

In science we have been learning about different parts of a plant. We have planted our own sunflowers 🌻

Forest School fun!

In History we have been learning about ‘The Great Fire of London’

Ask your child about the work we have created on this poster :)

Butterfly update!

In D&T we created our own smoothies! Children were proud of their creations.

In Science we have been learning about our bodies - we did some investigations to find out about the effects of exercise and germs! We had a special dentist from two dental nurses to help us learn about keeping our teeth healthy

We had an exciting arrival in class this week!

Celebrate Science week by creating a balloon car! It was very challenging but lots of stickability was shown.

Red Nose Day 2024!

Amazing creations on World Book Day!

Creating African inspired music

Water Safety Assembly

Porthill enjoyed measuring today in maths

Today we took a flight to Africa!

We became Charles Darwin for the day! We explored the forest, created nature bracelets and fossils!

Computing - We've been using rodocodo to learn about coding!

We have been learning different drawing techniques in art this week

We’ve been learning about multiplication using repeated addition, arrays and introducing the multiplication symbol

We’ve been learning to divide by grouping and sharing

Drawing our teddies

Autumn Term 2023

Welcome back to school! We are really excited to have you all back at school for the Autumn term. We hope you have all had an
enjoyable summer holiday. This term our topic is ‘Explorers’. In history we will be learning about two astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Helen Sharman, whilst learning about these significant individuals and events we will be exploring the UK in Geography and discussing different
human and physical features.  In Science
 we will be learning about two topics in Science, ‘Animals’ and ‘Materials’.

In ‘Animals’ we will begin by looking at the human body and naming body parts then we will move on to look at wild animals and pets. Following this we will learn about what animals eat and group them into carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. Finally we will learn about different types of animals and group them into fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. In ‘Materials’ we will be exploring different types of materials and learn their names and purposes. We will explore waterproof and absorbent materials and investigate whether materials float or sink. Finally we will identify natural and man made objects. In Art we will be exploring colour learning about primary and secondary colours. After half term children will create their own space rockets.


MPPS Christmas Day! Christmas jumpers, Christmas film, Christmas lunch, Christmas party, Christmas quiz and a very special Christmas visitor! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

Our last Tuesday of the year, what a busy day! Our church visit, film vote and Buddy afternoon.

What an amazing nativity, well done Porthill

More amazing readers getting their prizes! Well done everyone

In DT we’ve been looking at structures. Here are our amazing chairs we created for Traction Man!

Will it float or sink? We tested different materials in our science experiment

We had an exciting arrival in Porthill on 1st December

Our amazing painted plates inspired by the artist Clarice Cliff. Children used their knowledge of colour mixing to create these.

Numbots! Well done everyone for working hard to get your certificates!

Children in Need day. Porthill had great fun being spotted, completing the photo trail and the Bearpee challenge!

KS1 Handwriting Reading and Phonics Parent Information Event Autumn 2023

Art! This week we have been learning about colouring mixing, using primary colours to create secondary colours

Fact finding using our library books

Hit the button! A fantastic maths games to help us learn our number bonds

Working on our number bonds to 10

In Maths we have been learning about money. Recognising coins and notes, understanding their value and comparing different amounts.

Half of Porthill performing their wonderful poem - On the Ning Nang Nong!

Still image for this video

Half of Porthill performing their wonderful poem - On the Ning Nang Nong!

Still image for this video

Reading a letter notation to play a tune on the xylophones. What an amazing music lesson!

Buddy Reading

In Science we have been learning about animals. We have sorted them into pets and wild animals, carnivores, omnivores and herbivores and decided whether they are a mammal, reptile, bird, fish or amphibian

In Science we have been labelling different body parts

"On the Ning Nang Nong" - Play School Lyrics

In English we have been learning the poem “On the Ning Nang Nong”

Porthill enjoyed a trip to the library

⭐️ Congratulations to our School Councillor and Eco Councillor ⭐️

Voting for our School Councillor and Eco Councillor

In computing we have been exploring direction and programming using the bee bots

In Maths we have been learning about place value focusing on saying how many tens and ones are in numbers up to 99

Settling into Porthill Class

Our classroom

Access Espresso at Home!

Shared student username: student26744

password: mount123

 Useful links to access at home

Hit the Button - Maths Game

Phonics Play


BBC Earth for Kids

BBC Bitesize KS1
