The school’s intent for pupil premium is aligned with the trust and school’s vision. We strive to achieve a supportive learning environment where children achieve the best they possibly can and grow to become well rounded individuals equipped for life. This plan places priority on the achievement of learners from disadvantaged backgrounds ensuring there are strategies in place to ensure that our approach is equitable.
At Mount Pleasant we want to make sure that we make the most of every minute and every opportunity to remove barriers and maximise untapped potential, ensuring that everything we do has the greatest benefits for our children. Some learners from disadvantaged backgrounds require additional support; therefore, we will use all the resources available to support these learners to reach their full potential, including the PP. In addition, we will use the funding to support those who do not qualify for PP but who we feel require extra support to fulfil their potential (e.g. learners with a social worker or previously with a social worker).
We value the strong relationships we have between adults and children and our families which ensure that we understand the challenges our community may face.
Our approach to the PP is a holistic one – we do not believe that a single strategy, or even group of strategies will be the answer to close the attainment gap. The latest guidance report from the EEF supports a whole school approach. Our PP strategy plan is therefore aligned with our School Improvement Plan (SIP). We are committed to ensuring that the priorities we have for whole school improvement are delivered in a way that ensures these improvements will impact on our disadvantaged learners.
Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.