Home Page


Welcome to Kingsland class!

Welcome to the Autumn term!


We hope you have had a brilliant Summer holiday and are coming back refreshed and ready for the Autumn term! Welcome to the Kingsland class page, the best place to keep up to date with your child's learning. I update the page regularly, sharing our class and personal achievements and the exciting activities we get up to in class. 


Reading at home is very important. We expect children to read at home at least 3 times per week with an adult. Each time your child reads, please record this in their reading record as it will count towards their 'Read around Shropshire' prize! We also encourage your child to practise their times tables regularly- we recommend TTRockstars. Please ensure your child has their reading book and record in school daily along with their water bottle. There are many links attached below to support your child with their home learning.


In Autumn term, PE will be on a Monday and Thursday. I recommend that your child brings in their PE kit on a Monday and takes it home on a Friday- this way they have it in school for any other event that may crop up.


We welcome open communication and I check my class email regularly so please feel free to contact me if needed on 


We hope you’re ready to enjoy the rollercoaster ride that is Year 3!

Mr King, Mrs Evans, Mrs Micklak and Mrs Crean 

     laugh              laugh              laugh                   laugh



What we have done in the Autumn term!!

Celebrating poetry day

Kingsland being Historians

Darwin Values Tick list

Here is a copy of the Darwin Values tick list that we cover in Year 3 and 4.  We are creating a portfolio for children as they move through school.  We are asking parents to send in photos. certificates, awards that show the new skills or activities children have taken part in.  This could be photos of them on their bike, scooter, roller skates, or of them cooking or sewing.  It might be charity events they have been involved in.  Any questions regarding this, please ask.
