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Welcome to the Spring Term 2025

ExpertEd Webinar about Dynamic Engineering with Professor Ben Evans

Today, Sophie Khan came into class to talk to us about the effects of hate crime.

Art workshop with portrait artist Lucy Moxon.

Today our year 6s took part in a story telling workshop with Jake Evans.

Art project with Sarah Evans

Enjoying a ‘bouncebackabiliy’ activities with our buddies from Porthill class.

Best attendance award winners for the week beginning 13th January 2025.

heart Welcome to Attingham class! heart


Art installations

Careers in Languages Webinar

A doodler at work!

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D&T: Making Doodlers

Making poppy wreaths with our buddies from Porthill.

Performing ‘Brambles’.

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Assembly by the British Transport Police on Railway Safety.

Our first buddy reading session of the year with our friends from Porthill.

Our first time winning the best cared for classroom award!

Attingham’s Harvest Festival donations

National Poetry Day

Celebrating European Language Day

Today, we took part in a webinar about careers in the performance arts with actor Lucy Key.

Today, we took part in a webinar about Democracy with Labour MP - The Rt Hon Lord Knight of Weymouth.

Introducing our new class and eco council representatives:

Making ‘Pinky Promises’ to our classmates to ensure we have a great year in Attingham.

Autumn Term Forecast
