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Our SEND co-ordinator is Mrs Charlotte Houghton



SEND Overview

At Mount Pleasant, our key principle is one of inclusion. We aim to identify and break down and overcome any possible barriers to learning.


Our objectives in making provision for pupils with SEND


● To value all the pupils in our school equally.

● To ensure that all pupils have equal access to a broad, balanced curriculum which is differentiated to meet individual needs and abilities.

● For teacher to identify and meet the SEN of pupils, drawing on skills and resources from across the school.

● To recognise and address individual needs.

● To offer high quality support to ensure that these needs are met.

● To maximise the opportunities for students with special educational needs to join in with all the activities of the school.

● To ensure that all pupils experience success.

● To consider SEN in all curriculum areas and aspects of teaching and learning.

● To recognise that any pupil may encounter difficulties in school at some stage.

● To work with and involve parent fully ensuring that SEN provision is as effective as possible..

● To seek the views of the child and take them into account.

● To acknowledge and draw on parent/carer knowledge and expertise in relation to their child.

For information on the types of SEND support available for your child at Mount Pleasant Primary School, please take a look our SEND support leaflet. It explains who can help and how this support can be accessed.

Shropshire Local Offer

For further support or information on special education needs or disabilities, please view the SEND local offer.





For the Severn Bridges Multi-academy Trust SEN Policy click here:
