Through our Religious Education curriculum, we aim is ‘To build religious tolerance through the mutual understanding of other religions.’ The children will learn about a range of religious beliefs, explore a variety of important questions that help them to consider their own thoughts and ideas about the world they are growing into.
Religious Education – Curriculum
We follow the New Shropshire Agreed Syllabus as the basis for our curriculum. All children explore different religions through a range of approaches and experiences to develop their understanding of them. The children then build on their knowledge to consider deeper questions through thematic units where religions are compared and contrasted as they move through their learning journey. We focus on four religions in the world Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism.
Links to the wider community
We aim to build and create links within the local and wider community. This provides them with a rich and varied experience and a chance to give back and be an active part of their community. This involves going on visits and inviting visitors into school. We have links with the Harlescott Diocese - The Church of the Holy Spirit and The Emmanuel Church, Mount Pleasant. We attend services, special gatherings and invite the clergy to lead assemblies to celebrate harvest, remembrance, Easter and Christmas.