At Mount Pleasant, we are committed to eliminating discrimination and promoting diversity and equality. Our aim is to create an environment in which everyone involved in the life of the school is valued and respected. Further information on the ways in which we are complying with the Public Sector Equality Duty, can be found in the document link below.
Identifying pupils’ needs and putting provision in place to cater for these, outlining this for all pupils in provision maps.
Providing additional learning support for PPG pupils (where this is identified as necessary) to identify and eliminate barriers to learning.
Providing Learning Mentor support for identified children on a 1:1 and group intervention basis.
Working in partnership with the Education Welfare Service to support pupils and their families to achieve good levels of school attendance.
Providing additional support allocated for PPG children in reading across the school (this may be through school staff or the use of the Beanstalk Reading Volunteer service).
Delivering targeted interventions with priority for PPG children.
Focussing on SEND and PPG children in planning, teaching and marking.
Improving communication with families of SEND/ PPG pupils with poor attendance to ensure that attendance improves.
Offering financial support for residential trip, visits and visitors, book projects, extra-curricular clubs. Free school uniform is provided for children newly signed to free school meals.