Home Page


Welcome to Quarry Class

Please keep up to date with our class page for information about what your children have been up. You will also find key information to allow your children's days to run smoothly. 



The awesome Quarry Class!

Well done on being elected to Eco Council Poppy!

Well done on being elected to School Council Ella

Quarry, here is our link to submit your results for the plastic count.


Please follow the link and the instruttions given, it doesn't take long. We look forward to seeing all the tallies online and will be discussing the results in class. Have a lovely Easter break.



Water safety activities completed with our buddies.

Time to talk, congratulations to everyone that put themselves forward you were all fantastic!

Fabulous Buddy reading

Beaver day! We had a lovely walk and learned many new things about Beavers.

Thank you Jake, we had an amazing time learning the art of being a great storyteller.

Grinshill Walk, just wonderful.

Thank you Cricket Shropshire, we had a great time learning new skills.

Learning new skills! We talked about healthy eating and preparing seasonal fruit and vegetables.

Making, racing and timing balloon cars for Science Week.

Buddy reading maths challenge

Fantastic visit from the RSPCA, thank you.

We always love a special visitor!

We really enjoyed sewing our Ancient Egyptian collar

Electrical circuits are great!

Making fat balls for the birds and fair

Children in need, buddy afternoon.

Daily mile

Home learning challenges

Skip 2 B fit, we had a great time!

Our amazing new class suggestion box, well done Ella

Bikeability was fantastic! So many children saying that they now feel confident on a bike and getting that sense of achievement.
