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Summer  Term 2024

Welcome to the Summer term!  Our topic for this term is ‘London’. We will link this with our English, Geography and History.
In Geography we will be learning about the four counties in the UK, different cities, landmarks and studying maps and compass points. We will do some work studying the similarities and differences between Shrewsbury and London. In History we will be learning about the Great Fire of London.
We hope this Summer term will bring more opportunities for learning outdoors as well as a sports day event for children.

PE will take place on Monday and Wednesday Please ensure full PE kit is in school on these days.

West Midlands Safari Park!




KS1 are taking part in The Picture Book Award for Bookfest 2024. The children cast their votes for which picture book is their favourite.
I wonder which book will have received the most votes……!? 📚 

Beaver Day!


Meadow Class have loved Beaver Day! We have found out lots of interesting facts, made Beaver Masks and we walked all the way to the Old River Bed to see where the new Beaver habitat is.

Jake Evans - Storytelling workshop

Meadow class loved their storytelling workshop with Jake Evans! Everyone was fully engaged and mesmerised!

Nescliffe Trip 2024


Meadow class had a fantastic time at Nescliffe! 

Dogs Trust Visitor


We had a visitor from Dogs Trust come to speak to us about how we should act around dogs and some do’s and don’ts. 🐶 

Art - Sculpture


We have been learning how to sculpt with clay in Art recently. We are going to make clay tile houses based on the houses in the Great Fire of London. We have learnt techniques such as: score and slip, impressing and working in relief.

School Council

Well done to Annie R who is our School Council rep for Meadow Class!

Eco Council

Well done to George F who is our Eco Council rep for Meadow Class!
