There is a lot happening in school over the next three weeks, here are some of the key dates/times for your diary.
- There is a whole school Carol Concert at The Church of the Holy Spirit on Tuesday 5th December at 10am. Everyone is welcome.
- Entries for the Mince Pie and Christmas Paper Plate competitions need to be in on Thursday 7th December please.
- Friday 8th December is a non-uniform day. Please bring an item for the tombola at our Christmas Fair.
- Friday 8th December 3.15pm-4.30pm is also our Christmas Fair. Everyone is welcome to attend.
- If you would like your child to visit Father Christmas in his Grotto at the Christmas Fair please book your tickets through School Money. We have a limited number of places so it is unlikely that we will have tickets to sell on the day.
- Tickets for the Christmas Performances go on sale on Monday 4th December. Nursery/Abbey/Darwin's performance is on Tuesday 12th December. Severn/Meadow/Porthill will be performing on Wednesday 13th December and Castle/Quarry/Kingsland/Attingham/Hotspur will be on Thursday 14th December. There will be two performances, one at 10am and one at 2pm.
- Tuesday 12th December is Christmas Dinner day for pupils.
- On Friday 15th December we will be holding a Christmas Movie event after school. Details will be emailed to parents/carers shortly.
- Monday 18th December is a non-uniform day. Wear your Christmas Jumper and donate £1 to Save The Children.
- Monday 18th December is also our Christmas Party afternoon and the last day of term.