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Our Darwin Growth Curriculum - Including Relationships, Health and Sex Education

We believe that our Darwin Growth Curriculum (DGC) should enable children to grow, develop and reach their full potential as an individual. The DGC should enable children to become healthier, more independent and more responsible members of society. We encourage our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community. In doing so we help develop their sense of self-belief to develop the qualities and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. We teach children about British Values including how society is organised and governed. We teach children about both their rights and their responsibilities. They learn to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse and multicultural society.

The objectives of The Darwin Growth Curriculum are to enable the children to:
  • Know and understand a healthy lifestyle.
  • Understand how to manage their feelings and emotions.
  • How to get support and advice.
  • Gain an understanding of basic First Aid through the British Heart Start Curriculum.
  • Be aware of safety issues.
  • Understand what makes for good relationships with others.
  • Have respect for others.
  • Be independent and responsible members of a community, such as school.
  • Be positive and active members of a democratic society.
  • Develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and make informed choices regarding personal and social issues, to enable them to manage their lives now and in the future.
  • Develop good relationships with other members of the community.
  • Skill of volunteering
  • Understand the value and importance of money.
  • How to protect themselves and understand the influences of the media.

The Department for Education has introduced compulsory Relationships Education and Health Education for Primary pupils from the September 2020, due to the COVID 19 pandemic schools have been given until Summer term 2021 to have this curriculum in place.


It is our aim at Mount Pleasant Primary School to support our pupils to be happy, healthy and safe. We aim to provide our children with the information needed to develop healthy, nurturing relationships through their childhood and into adult life.  

Relationships Education at Mount Pleasant will start with family and friends, how to treat each other with kindness, and recognising the difference between online and offline friendships. We will support our pupils to develop respect for others and for difference.


During the Autumn Term 2020, in consultation with our parents, staff, children and governors we have developed a Curriculum Overview for each year group and ensure Relationships Education and Health Education forms part of our ‘Darwin Growth Curriculum’.


Our Darwin Growth Curriculum Consultation

As part of this process, the school consulted with parents, staff, children and governors that helped to inform our schools’ decisions on when and how certain content is covered.

This consultation enabled us to reach a general consensus and we made adjustments to our policy and curriculum based on this feedback.

To help you understand the curriculum requirements, please look at the information below which provides more detail.


Please find below:

  • A summary document from our Parent Consultation
  • A Powerpoint presentation video for parents gives an overview of RSHE and the rationale behind the curriculum changes.
  • Our Policy for Relationships, Sex and Health Education
  • A summery document of what is expected by the end of Primary Education
  • Department of Education guidance that outlines statutory requirements.

Darwin Growth Curriculum - Parent/Carer Information Video

Still image for this video
Please watch the video to find out more information of our Darwin Growth Curriculum and Relationships Education.